Thursday, November 10, 2011

HOME (days 26 and 27)

(Here we are sharing/counting UP Forty Days and Forty Nights of our lives, our last on the inner-west side of town and, eventually, some of our first on the other (far) side of town, where we envisage some big changes coming our way. Thanks for joining us as we remember, celebrate and experience gratitude for our time here, and sometimes feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted by the changes underway!)

(This post was drafted last Friday but, due to computer issues, I haven't been able to post it until now. There are so many photos but, they seem to say it best) 

So much can change in a week. For one, our seedling trays are full of new sprouts, butternut pumpkin being the most impressive. We've been thinking up all kinds of planting options for the new place. Should the pumpkin go here or there, where's the zucchini patch and the herb garden? And so on. It's time for those and so many other plans to come to fruition.

In addition to our recent plantings, and so many other lovely things of Spring, we finally took possession of our new home. It's absolutely, financially, legally, (emotionally even) SETTLED!

We feel so completely and utterly blessed and grateful for all leading up to this point and look forward to sharing our news spaces with family, old and new and friends from near and far. And 'change' will continue to be a theme of the months to come as we paint, plant, play and grow in this home and garden.

There has been a growing longing within me for space and, preferrably expanses of it, ideally by the water (not asking much am I!?). While we'll be further from the ocean here, we're intent on exploring the creeks, rivers and waterholes nearby. The closest beach is half an hour away so, not too far and we have a few beach-camping trips planned along with a few weeks in Sydney at Christmas so, I'll survive!

For some time to come though I imagine you'll find us exploring our new spaces, in and out, sometimes with cousins, sometimes together, sometimes alone.

And for our little boy, these days are sure to focus on the chickens. He's mesmerised!

And last night after a lovely day in the Village and surrounds we drove east to open the doors of this new home for the first time (as it's owners at least!) and to share in a meal with family. With no chairs about, we took our places on the loungeroom floor and absorbed it all. Such will be our task for weeks to come!

Today, this 27th day of our celebration, was mostly spent in paint shops, with much success - phew! We'll start painting tomorrow but for now, how can I resist this picture taken yesterday at the new house. She has much to contemplate as these changes take place; so much change, so many new things to explore.

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