Monday, November 14, 2011


(Here we are sharing/counting UP Forty Days and Forty Nights of our lives, our last on the inner-west side of town and, eventually, some of our first on the other (far) side of town, where we envisage some big changes coming our way. Thanks for joining us as we remember, celebrate and experience gratitude for our time here, and sometimes feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted by the changes underway!)

Here we are back in the Village enjoying some down time at home, realising that we can't call it that for much longer and making arrangements to meet with painters, plumbers and floor-sanders.

After a weekend of exploring the idea of carrying out the painting ourselves (and, I think, doing a good job of initiating the process), we're moving to option two, hire painters! Today we're dealing with 'Mondays Experts', the 'I told you so' crowd. Actually, we imagined that we might move to the professionals rather quickly and already had some painters lined-up but, heck, we thought we'd have a try and are very happy we did.

It was a lovely weekend hanging out at the house with family and friends, eating take-away, laughing, planning, enjoying one anothers company and getting to know the house. Anything but a waste of time I say! And we achieved a great deal. But there's a great deal more to do and we can't wait to see the painters work away at the house.

And we brought back half a dozen eggs from the chickens! (there's only two left!)

1 comment:

  1. I think there can only be admiration for completing any part of a whole house painting project particularly the little discussed, definitely hardest preparation component. Perhaps some 'Mondays Experts' would just never have been brave enough to try what you embraced and hope those painters will just help get you to your beautiful destination with a touch more ease....
