Thursday, May 10, 2012


 Rafael does a fine job of maintaining a warm little body (read: he's busy!) but, a new cardigan never goes astray especially a new, green cardigan, which happens to be my favourite colour.

This pattern goes up to a size 12 and is sure to be knit over and over again by this Mama; it's so easy and meets my preference for knitting in the round (no sewing up involved - woohooo!) (Ravelry notes here). By the way, my sister has knit this cardigan a few times in various sizes, the largest being a size 10 or so and it looked great each time; if only Raf would stay still for long enough for me to capture this example! I'm not overly impressed with my choice of yarn this time (it's pilled a touch) but it works well as a garden cardigan (and its often worn while reading in front of the fire too, and when scooting, and swinging get the picture).

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