Wednesday, October 26, 2011

AROUND HERE (11 down)

(Here we are sharing/counting UP Forty Days and Forty Nights of our lives, our last on the inner-west side of town and, eventually, some of our first on the other (far) side of town, where we envisage some big changes coming our way. Thanks for joining us as we remember, celebrate and experience gratitude for our time here, and sometimes feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted by the changes underway!)

I know, I know it's getting a little predictable isn't it. I mean, we all know eleven comes after ten and we all know that these posts focus on the experiences of a little family in an itsy sliver of a small corner of the world. And you know now that a 'packing Lala' living in limbo between two homes can't find it within herself to start or complete any sewing, knitting or general crafting projects (well, not many) so, I'm not offering much but, nevertheless, I'm compelled to continue with this 'count up'. On top of other things, this is a great distraction from the more mundane chores of change. Moving house is riddled with boring 'life admin' tasks isn't it.

I forge on and today, in my quest to do so, we didn't forge at all but stayed as still as possible. Just a simple day spent mostly at home with little distraction and, remarkably, not too many of the before-complained-about tasks. It's nice to stop to smell the roses, yes? Even when they're not roses at all and your toddler and small one don't really ever 'stop'!!

Our closest corner shop where we grab the occasional Freddo; today was a Freddo day!

After taking a walk along our street to collect flowers and smell plenty, some flower-pressing was in order using this press, from here (it's not the $55 one but a $10 version they are selling, which is not on the website). With the nature table packed away, my thinking is that this activity might help bring a little more nature to the household. I realise cardboard boxes are technically 'nature', being paper/tree and all but, it's not cutting it for us!

With the weather warming up, it was time to bring out these new ice-block moulds, bake a cake (before it gets too warm to bother), paint and well, play, which is hardly weather dependent!

At their ice-cream shop waiting for customers, or so I'm told. An upturned doll's cradle makes a great shop counter it seems!

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